dedicated to learners of video production

March 19, 2008

Selecting Camera Movements

Beginners normally tend to move around the camera either because they don't know why they should do it, or because they want to have one lengthy shot that will cover all the action or simply because they can move the camera! But one ought to remember that every camera movement has a reason.

The camera movements that one sees on the screen are as follows:


Pan/tilt: To follow action. To include or exclude subjects. To show spatial relationships. To shift attention. To build or clear suspense. To show panoramic views.

Zoom in/out: To adjust framing by removing or including certain objects. To get a bigger view of far away objects or get a wider shot when the normal lens cannot provide the desired field of view. Increase or decrease depth of field. To increase flexibility in terms of production. To produce distorted images or otherwise.

Dolly/track in: To exclude some objects. To focus attention on part of action. To shift emphasis on an object or part of action. To create subjective movements. Increase emotional tension within the frame. To decrease field of view. To get closer to objects.

Dolly/track out: To increase field of view. To go farther away from objects. To include more objects. To create subjective movements. Decrease tension.

Truck right/left: To Follow moving subject across the screen. To reveal context. To create subjective movements. To emphasise depth of field.

Arc left/right: To provide fresh point of view. Exclude or include background or foreground. To reframe a shot. To provide subject’s position vis-à-vis the set/ location. To avoid transitions and maintain continuity.

Tongue up/down: This movement is normally used in all gameshows, quizzes etc. when the camera on a crane/jib moves over the anchor on to the audience or vice-versa.

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March 3, 2008

Video Production: A review

Here are some extracts from a review on Video Production:

"Video Production, written by Vasuki Belavadi, is a handbook useful for those entering the field of television and multi media. Self learned techniques and experiences are well presented for the practitioners' basic know how. The book explains the evolution of various formats of video cameras and its theory, the method of sensible synchronization of images and sound. Most of the problems encountered in the production of TV programmes, which could not be anticipated by beginners, are narrated with details of storage devices, lighting accessories and studio settings."

"It seems the Video Production is planned and narrated with vast experience and the writer have done extensive research. It is presented in a manner the reader or learner should gain basic knowledge of evolution of video and practical applications. Guidance to avoid trouble during production is also imparted in a professional manner. "

" Vasuki judiciously explains all aspects of television programme production and broadcasting. Though the new technologies are handy and easy, it will be worth to turn to a book for basic guidance on the production and the maintenance of equipments. And Video Production fits the bill. It is a good guide for amateurs as well as professionals."

Read the entire review here.

VIDEO PRODUCTION, by vasuki belavadi (Oxford University Press), 2008